Welcome to Petal Vibes - A Florist in Kensington, London
Featured Items from the Online Shop


European bouquet

Seasonal bouquet

white beauty

Spring mix
From £50

Vintage Chic Luxury Rose Bouquet

From £60

floral vibes

Beauty vibes

orchids paradise

3 colors roses and lizi


Red roses bouquet
From £100

Gift Card
From £20

50 tulips


Fruit bouquets
From £40

Autumn vibe

Classic bouquet
From £50

Wild and natural
View all items >
Welcome to Petal Vibes - A modern, beautiful florist in London, Kensington.
Flower shop with fresh seasonal flowers in bouquets and bunches, indoor plants, pots and vases, pre-bonsai, small succulets, cactus and Voluspa candles for your special natural gifts
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